Hello, my name is Prison. I had a really hard time when I first came to the Dog and Cat Rescue Center. I was so full of fear, everyone and everything scared me. I could not believe that I was just dumped here, left and abandoned by humans I trusted. I was convinced they would take care of me for the rest of my life but unfortunately I was wrong. I don't know why they brought me to the shelter but I'm sure they had their reasons and most probably they had no choice but to give me up. I remember they were crying when I saw them for the last time. Here at the shelter everything just seemed scary to me at first. I was afraid of the other dogs in my compound and used to hide in the very back of the compound. I actually felt like a prisoner, I guess that's where my name comes from. When the Dog Rescue People came close to me I would just close my eyes and hope they wouldn't hurt me. Thankfully they all turned out to be really nice and encouraged me to open up to the other dogs too. With time everything became a little easier and I even made some doggie friends. I absolutely love the long term volunteers and whenever they enter the compound I jump up and down with joy. Their love and affection means the world to me now and I'm grateful for all their support. I have found my place in with the compound too and spend a lot of my time on a really cool table they put in here. Is there anyone out there who would like to sponsor me?
Thank you so much to family Staats to sponsor Prison for 1 year!