My name is Dean and I'm a very happy young dog who loves greeting everyone who comes into our compound. Bill, Fleur and myself were brought to the Dog Rescue Shelter for Look After. Which means we are only temporarily here and will be picked up by our owners again. This is what we are constantly telling ourselves anyway. We have been here for quite some time and sometimes we wonder if we can ever go home again or if it's better for us all to call the Rescue Center our home now. It will probably help to find some mental peace too and accept the things we cannot change. We have all settled in quite ok and are happy that we can stay together in the same outside compound. We like the people at the shelter and in the compound 8 where we stay, we can see the open kitchen area, the main entrance to the shelter and the doctors office, therefore there is always a lot going on. So I guess even if our owners never come back, we will be just fine here. And who knows, maybe they are not even on the island anymore. This Corona-Pandemic has changed so many lives.
Johanna from Germany wants to look after me in the future. Thank you very much!